
The presale was an opportunity to be among the first to secure a share of the token supply before it's made publicly tradeable.

A feature of StripCoin's presale is that all bought STRIP tokens will be vested, which means they will be time-locked in a way that prevents early transfer or selling. Vested tokens will gradually start becoming unlocked after the initial lock-up period.

Note that you will not see the STRIP tokens within your wallet's asset list right after you buy in the presale. Your tokens will be initially stored within a vesting smart contract's internal token vault. You will see your STRIP tokens within your own wallet after you withdraw them from the vesting contract after the vesting schedule has permitted your withdrawals. Details below.

~99% of all ETH collected from the presale will be used to provide liquidity, while the remaining ~1% will be used for project expenses.


Total supply

500,000,000,000 STRIP

Presale allocation

120,000,000,000 STRIP

Maximum per wallet

200,000,000 STRIP

Price per 200M STRIP

0.505 ETH

Presale duration

2 weeks


All STRIP tokens bought in the presale will be vested. Vesting means that the transfer and selling of the vested tokens will be limited by a vesting schedule.

The schedule is as follows: Starting from the ending of the presale, all tokens remain locked for 45 days, then 10% will be unlocked, and from then on 10% will be gradually unlocked per month. Total vesting period is thus 10 months and 15 days, or 315 days. Learn more about vesting here:


Technical Specification

Presale will be open for 2 weeks.

When buyers deposit ETH into the presale smart contract by sending in a 'buy' transaction via the presale page, two actions are performed:

  1. The deposited ETH is transferred to the StripCoin multisig safe.

  2. An entry for the buyer's wallet address and bought amount is added/updated for the vesting contract.

Once presale ends, two actions will be performed:

  1. Of every 0.505 ETH collected, 0.500 ETH will be paired with STRIP tokens to be added as liquidity on Uniswap.

  2. The vesting contract will be started, so that everyone who bought in the presale will be able to withdraw their STRIP tokens once tokens become unlocked as per the vesting schedule.

The presale was carried out by a presale smart contract. You can view the details and transactions of the presale smart contract on Etherscan:


The presale ended with the following sales and resulting initial liquidity added:

STRIP sold in the presale:

14,137,146,719 STRIP

% of target reached:


STRIP added to liquidity:

8,835,716,699 STRIP

ETH added to liquidity:

35.342866798 ETH

Last updated