Help! I'm lost!?

You will find all the relevant links and reading materials from within this documentation site. If you are on mobile, you can browse the topics of this documentation site by clicking on the 3 dots. If you are on desktop, the topics will appear to the left. Be sure to follow the socials accounts and bookmark the main StripCoin website:


Can I buy STRIP on any exchanges?

Initially STRIP will only be publicly tradeable on the Uniswap DEX. Additional exchange options are being explored.

I have ETH on an exchange. How do I use it to buy STRIP?

You must withdraw your ETH from the exchange and onto your personal wallet. The recommended wallet for buying and holding STRIP is the MetaMask wallet. Only download wallet software from official sources. See our Wallet Setup Guide and ETH Buying Guide for details.

What wallets are supported?

We recommend using the MetaMask wallet.

The presale and vesting interfaces support the MetaMask Wallet and WalletConnect supported Wallets, including TrustWallet, Argent wallet, Rainbow wallet, etc.. For market trading the STRIP token on Uniswap, please refer to Uniswap's documentation to find out which wallets they support. Uniswap supports a wide variety of wallets.

Tip: You can separate your STRIP holdings into two wallets, a spending account and a savings account. The spending account could be active in your mobile phone's MetaMask app (=hot wallet), while the savings account you could store in an extra-secure offline 'cold wallet'. See Additional Reading/Security.

What are Ethereum transaction fees?

Ethereum transaction fees (a.k.a. "gas fees") are fees you must pay every time you submit a transaction onto the Ethereum blockchain. In the context of STRIP, this includes transactions such as:

  • buying STRIP in the presale.

  • market trading STRIP on Uniswap.

  • approving STRIP for sale on Uniswap.

  • if you have vested tokens, withdrawing the tokens from the vesting contract.

  • transferring STRIP to another wallet.

  • using STRIP to pay for goods and services from affiliated venues.

The cost of transaction fees fluctuates. The fees are higher when the Ethereum network is under higher traffic loads. Different types of transactions have different fees -- market trading on Uniswap is more expensive than a simple transfer of STRIP from one wallet to another.

Transaction fees are always paid in ETH. If your wallet runs out of ETH, you will not be able to submit new transactions from your wallet anymore (in which case you need to send new ETH to your wallet to continue). It is difficult to predict transaction fees far into the future, but prepare to see them fluctuate from $20 USD equivalent of ETH and up per transaction.

On some high-traffic days the transaction fees are very high. On those days you might wish to wait for the fees to go lower again.


When should I stake?

You can stake whenever you wish. If you stake earlier, you will receive more rewards.

Only other consideration is the gas fee and how it fluctuates day to day.

When should I unstake?

You can unstake whenever you wish. The first staking program lasts 3 months, but you can safely leave your STRIP staked for longer (although you might not receive any additional rewards after the initial staking period, unless the program is announced to continue). There is no risk in leaving your STRIP staked past the 3 month period.

Can I stake multiple times?

Yes. If you stake your STRIP in multiple parts, it will simply stack on top of your previous stake as expected, resulting in your staked amount growing.

The transaction is taking a long time to confirm. Now what?

If the transaction takes more than a few minutes to confirm, you can try to replace the pending transaction with either a cancellation or a speed up. If you are using MetaMask, you should see the SPEED UP option in your MetaMask's Transaction History. If the option isn't available, you'll have to figure out how to use custom nonce to override the pending transaction. Try transaction again, but this time set the nonce to be equal to the nonce of the pending one. If you haven't sent any more transactions since the one pending, you'll likely need to set the nonce one less than the default. Note that the custom nonce option isn't visible by default in many wallet setups, so go to your wallet software's settings first to turn on the ability to set a custom nonce.

Why isn't the staking pool verified on Etherscan?

Advances in the Solidity language have made it much more expressive, especially in terms of natively supported data structures. However, these features wreak havoc on tooling designed for simpler times: notably Etherscan contract interfaces and code verification.

To method of creating the Staking pools utilizes cloning pre-deployed 'mother contracts', which makes verification of the pools on Etherscan impossible until Etherscan adds better support for proxy contracts.

The mother contracts will be verified and you can inspect them in detail on Etherscan. You can also review the factory contract and the method of cloning, so you should be able to confirm the validity of the contracts.

See the Staking page for details:


On desktop: you should open the official Vesting Dashboard link in a web browser which has the MetaMask addon installed and your wallet configured. If you can't see the small MetaMask button on your browser's address bar, look in your browser's plugin list to 'pin' the MetaMask button to be always visible.

On mobile: make sure you open the official Vesting Dashboard link in the MetaMask Application's built-in web browser, and copy-paste the presale link inside the MetaMask app:

  1. copy the Vesting Dashboard link onto your clipboard.

  2. open the MetaMask Application on your mobile device's home screen.

  3. click on the corner to reveal the side bar, and there click "BROWSER".

  4. Now you should be able to paste the Vesting Dashboard link from your clipboard, and see the Vesting Dashboard page on your MetaMask Browser.

NOTE that there are two vesting dashboards, one for presalebuyers+team+partners, and another for private round 2 buyers.

Vesting Dashboard: https://stripcoin.vercel.app/vesting

Private Sale

I bought STRIP in the presale/privatesale, but I don't see the tokens in my wallet. Where are my STRIP tokens?

When you buy STRIP in the presale/privatesale, you will not receive the actual tokens into your wallet until after you withdraw them from the vesting smart contract.

STRIP tokens bought in the presale/privatesale are initially stored within a vesting smart contract. You can withdraw your STRIP tokens to your own wallet as the tokens become unlocked as per the vesting schedule.

See the question above about "Vesting".


How to secure my wallet?

Make a backup of your seed phrase, never share it with anyone, and study some security ideas.

Learning how to secure your wallet is important, so that you would never lose your funds to hackers or accidents. There are a few concepts and techniques that can help you maintain control of your wallet. The key idea is to understand keys, especially the key nature of your private keys.

If you are new to securing your Ethereum wallet, please study the Appendix: Additional Reading / Security section by clicking here:

Are StripCoin contracts safe/audited?

The smart contracts have been reviewed by a 3rd party security service. You can view an audit report by Hacken CyberSecurity Services here:

Changes have been made to the contracts after the audit. You can review the contracts on Etherscan, as all the contracts are verified with their source code available.

I got an email / message asking for my secret recovery phrase... is it legit?

No! If anyone asks you to reveal your secret recovery phrase / private keys, they are 100% certainly a scammer. A common scam is where the scammer pretends to be tech-support personnel. Tech-support will never ask you for your keys, and will never ask you to transfer your funds.

If you reveal your secret recovery phrase to scammers, they will likely steal all your funds irrevocably.

Do not click on links sent to you by unknown sources.

I lost the secret recovery phrase to my wallet... can you help?

Oh no... Try to see if you can still recover the recovery phrase. If it was saved on a broken harddrive or a broken phone, you can ask a specialized data recovery company to help recover your wallet from the broken device. If your private keys were stolen, contact your local authorities. Please refer to the Appendix: Additional Reading / Security section for tips on securing your private keys so that you would never lose them. Bottom line is this: if you lose access to your STRIP tokens by losing your wallet, the StripCoin team cannot help you.

Last updated