Appendix: Additional Reading

Crypto as a whole is revolutionary technology that puts the control of your assets into your own hands. With crypto it is you who controls your own assets. Here we have compiled some additional reading material for you, if you wish to learn more:


When controlling your own assets, the responsibility of securing them is in your hands. You can take additional measures to make sure you will never lose your funds to accidents or hackers. Below are some options you might consider:


StripCoin is built on the Ethereum blockchain. When you are a StripCoin holder, it is a good idea to study the underlying technology a bit to get an idea of how StripCoin works.

The world of crypto is an endless rabbit hole. You can never learn everything, so don't worry if all this feels like too much. For the purposes of becoming a StripCoin recipient, it is enough to simply set up the wallet and get a bit of Ether. Good luck!

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